
We, Porsche Lifestyle GmbH & Co. KG (hereafter „we“ or „PLX“), appreciate your visit to our press portal and your interest in our company and our products. Your privacy is extremely important to us. We therefore take the protection of your personal details very seriously, and treat them in strictest confidence. Your personal data is processed only within the scope of the legal provisions of the European Union’s data protection law, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter „GDPR“).

In this privacy policy we provide you with information about the processing of your personal data and your rights as a data subject within the scope of the use [of our press portal]. For information on other products and services offered by other companies in the Porsche Group, please consult the respective privacy policy for these services or companies.


1. Controller and data protection officer for data processing; contact

Controller for data processing within the meaning of the data protection legislation is:

Porsche Lifestyle GmbH & Co. KG

Grönerstrasse 5

71636 Ludwigsburg


Tel: +49 (0)711 911-0

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or ideas relating to data protection.

You can contact our data protection officer at the following address:

Porsche Lifestyle GmbH & Co. KG

Beauftragter für Datenschutz

Grönerstrasse 5

71636 Ludwigsburg



2. Subject matter of data protection

The subject matter of data protection is personal data. This is all the information that relates to an identified or identifiable natural person (known in the legislation as the data subject). This covers, for example, information such as name, postal address, e-mail address, or telephone number as well as information that necessarily originates during the use of our press portal, such as details about the start, end, and scope of use, and the communication of your IP address.


3. Type, scope, purposes of, and legal basis for automated data processing

In general, it is possible to use our press portal without registering. Even if you use our press portal without registering, personal data can still be processed.

An overview of the type, scope, purposes of, and legal basis for data processing within the scope of our press portal is provided below.


3.1 Provision of our press portal

When you access our press portal using your device, we automatically process the following data:

  • IP address

  • date and time of access

  • file name, URL and transferred amount of data

  • status of access (e.g. server response code)

  • type of device

  • operating system used

  • type of browser used

  • the functions that you use

  • domain name of internet service provider

  • referrer URL

  • duration of your visit

  • access country of origin

  • the pages that you access

We process this data on the basis [of Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR to provide the service, to ensure the technical operation, and to identify and rectify faults]. In this way, we pursue the interest of facilitating and ensuring the long-term use of our press portal and its technical functional capability. When our press portal is selected, this data is automatically processed. You cannot use our services unless this data is provided. We do not use this data for the purpose of drawing conclusions about you or your identity.


3.2 Cookies

When you visit our press portal „cookies“, which are small files, may be stored on your device in order to provide you with a comprehensive scope of functions, make it easier to use our service, and optimize our offerings. If you do not wish to allow the use of cookies, you can prevent them from being stored on your device by configuring the relevant settings in your Internet browser or using the specific opt-out options. Please note that the functional capability and functional scope of our offering could be restricted as a result. Please refer to our Cookie Policy for details on the type, scope, purposes of, legal basis for, and opt-out options for data processing in relation to cookies.


4. Individual services and functionalities

You can voluntarily enter personal data or register for services and functions on our press portal, e.g., by using the press database. When you register for and use the services and functions described below, we record, process, and use personal data as outlined here.


4.1 Press database

4.1.1 Registration process

Registration with an individual profile is required to use the press database.

(a) Mandatory data when registering

When registering for the press database the following mandatory information, which is flagged with a „*“, is requested:

  • first name

  • family name

  • dep./dep.

  • street and house number

  • postal code and city

  • country

  • email address

It is not possible to register unless this mandatory data is specified.

(b) Voluntary data when registering

When registering, you also have the option of voluntarily entering other information: additional name and address-information, company contact details, job title, other phone and fax-numbers as well as your selected topics of interests. Please note that this information is not required for registration and you alone must decide whether you wish to provide us with this data.

We process the data collected on the basis of Article 6 (1) (b) and (f) GDPR in order to create your profile for you for press database and to identify you each time you log in as well as to contact you in relation with our press activities or the provision of this service if necessary


4.1.2 Use of press database

When you use the press database, the following categories of personal data are processed:


  • first name

  • family name

  • dep./dep.

  • street and house number

  • postal code and city

  • country

  • email address

  • your selected topics of interest


This is voluntary information. However, if you do not provide this data, we may not be able to respond in full to your needs when using the press database in certain circumstances.


We process this data on the basis of Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR, to provide you with the required services in this regard and to implement the contractual relationship with you.


5. Recipients of personal data

Internal recipients: Within PLH the only people who have access are those who need it for the purposes named in Sections 3 and 4.


External recipients: We only forward your personal data to external recipients outside PLH if this is necessary for the administering or processing of your issue, if another legal authorization exists, or if we have your consent to forward the data.


External recipients can be:


  1. a) Processors

Group companies in Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG or external service providers that we use to provide services, for example in the areas of technical infrastructure and maintenance or the provision of content. We carefully select and regularly inspect these processors to make sure that your privacy is protected. The service providers may use the data only for the purposes we have specified and in accordance with our instructions.


  1. b) Public bodies

Authorities and public institutions, such as public prosecutors, courts, or financial authorities to which we must transfer personal data for legal reasons. The data is transferred on the basis of Article 6 (1) (c) GDPR.


  1. c) Private bodies

Dealers, cooperation partners, or support staff to whom the data is transferred on the basis of consent, to implement a contract with you or to safeguard legitimate interests, for example Porsche Dealerships, financing banks, providers of other services or transport service providers. The data is transferred on the basis of Article 6 (1) (a), (b) and/or (f) GDPR.


6. Data processing in third countries

If data is transferred to bodies whose headquarters or whose place of data processing is not located in a member state of the European Union or in another country outside of the European Union who is a signatory to the treaty, we ensure before forwarding the data that, outside of legally permitted exceptional cases pertaining to the recipient, either an appropriate level of data protection exists (e.g., through an adequacy decision of the European Commission, through suitable guarantees such as self-certification by the recipient for the EU-US Privacy Shield, or the agreement of EU standard contractual clauses between the European Union and the recipient) or you give sufficient consent for the transfer of the data.

We can provide you with an overview of the recipients in third countries and a copy of the specifically agreed regulations to ensure the appropriate level of data protection. To obtain these, please contact the address specified in Section 1.


7. Duration of storage, deletion

We store your personal data only for the length of time necessary to fulfill the purposes stated in this document or in the general contract documents drawn up between you and ourselves, or – in the case of consent – until you withdraw your consent. In addition, we store your data as required under commercial law and tax law retention requirements.

We delete your personal data immediately

  • after the legal grounds cease to apply and provided that no other legal grounds apply. If the latter is the case, we delete the data once the other legal grounds cease to apply.

  • if we no longer need the data for the purposes of preparing and implementing a contract and no other legal grounds apply. If the latter is the case, we delete the data once the other legal grounds cease to apply.

  • if you object, unless further processing is permitted according to the relevant legal provisions.

  • if we are obliged to do so for other legal reasons.


8. Rights of data subjects

As the data subject affected by the data processing, you have several rights. Specifically,


Right of access: You have the right to obtain information from us about the data that we have stored about you.


Right of rectification and erasure You have the right to demand that we rectify incorrect data and – provided the legal requirements are met – that we delete your data.


Restriction of processing: You have the right – provided the legal requirements are met – to demand that we restrict the processing of your data.


Data portability: If you have provided us with data on the basis of a contract or consent, you have the right, in accordance with the legal requirements, to obtain the data you have provided in a structured, standard, and machine-readable format or you can demand that we transfer this data to another controller.


Objection to the processing of data on the legal basis of „legitimate interests“: You have the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to our processing of your data, provided this objection is based on the legal basis of „legitimate interests“. If you exercise your right to object, we will cease the processing of your data unless we can – pursuant to the legal requirements – prove compelling legitimate reasons for the further processing, which override your rights.

Objection to cookies: You can also object to the use of cookies at any time. For details on how to object, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

Withdrawal of consent: If you have given us consent to process your data, you can withdraw this consent at any time with effect for the future. The lawfulness of the processing of your data remains unaffected up until the time of the withdrawal of consent.

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority You can also submit a complaint to the competent supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of your data is in breach of the legislation. To do so, you can apply to the data protection authority that is responsible for your town/city or country or the data protection authority that is responsible for us.

Contacting us: Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, your rights as a data subject, and any consent that you may have given. To exercise all of these above-mentioned rights, please contact or by post at the address specified above in Section 1. In doing so, please ensure that it is possible for us to uniquely define you.


9. Links to third-party offerings

Websites and services delivered by other providers that are linked to on the press portal have been and are structured and provided by third parties. We do not have any influence over the structure, content, or role of these third-party services. We explicitly distance ourselves from all content in all linked third-party offerings. Please note that the third-party offerings linked to from the press portal may install their own cookies on your device or collect personal data. We have no influence over this. Please contact the providers of these linked third-party offerings as required for the relevant information.


10. Status

The latest version of this privacy policy applies. Status 05/17/18.



Module Title coming soon

Scope of application

This Cookie Policy applies in addition to the general privacy policy for out press portal and describes the type, scope, purposes of, legal basis for, and opt-out options for data processing in relation to cookies. The general privacy policy for our press portal applies to all other information. Status 05/17/18.


What are cookies?

We use „cookies“ in order to provide you with a comprehensive scope of functions, make it easier to use our service, and optimize our offerings. Cookies are small files, which are stored on your device by your Internet browser.


Categories of cookies

We use cookies for different purposes and with different functions. We make a distinction according to whether the cookie is technically required (technical requirement), how long it is stored for and used (duration of storage), whether it was created by our press portal itself or by a third party and who the provider who created the cookie is (cookie provider).


Technical requirement

Cookies required for technical reasons: We use certain cookies because they are required for our press portal and its functions to work properly. These cookies are set automatically when the press portal or a specific function is called up, unless you have disabled cookies in your browser settings.

Cookies not required for technical reasons: By contrast, cookies that are not required are set to improve your experience with our press portal or to store specific settings that you have configured. We also use cookies that are not required for technical reasons to obtain information on the frequency of use of certain areas our press portal so that we can better tailor them to your needs. We do not store cookies that are not required for technical reasons until you click on the corresponding field to confirm that you have read our cookie notice and continue using our press portal.


Duration of storage 

Session cookies: Most cookies are required only for the duration of your current service call or session and are deleted or become invalid as soon as you exit our press portal or your current session expires. Session cookies are used, for example, to retain certain information such as your login for the press database during your session.


Permanent cookies: Cookies are occasionally stored over a longer period for the purposes of recognizing you when you subsequently call up our press portal again and retrieving saved settings. This makes it faster and easier for you to access our press portal and means that you do not have to repeat settings such as your selected language, for example. Permanent cookies are deleted automatically at the end of a predefined period when you visit the page or domain from which the cookie was set.

Flow cookies: These cookies are used for communication between various internal Porsche servers. They are created at the start of a user interaction and deleted again when it is ended. Flow cookies are assigned a unique identification number during the interaction. However, this does not allow any conclusions to be drawn with respect to the identity of the actual customer or user.


Deletion of and objection to the use of cookies

The acceptance of cookies is not obligatory when using our press portal; if you would prefer not to have cookies saved on your device, you can disable the relevant option in the system settings of your browser. Saved cookies can be deleted at any time in the system settings of your browser. If you choose not to accept any cookies, this can, however, lead to restrictions in the functions offered on our website.

Click here to view and edit your cookie settings

You can also enable the „Do Not Track function“ on your device. If this function is enabled, your device informs the respective service that it does not wish to be tracked.


Module Table coming soon